Legal notice


Union Maritime de Lorient
56000 Lorient

Web development

Fabien Herlédan


Nathalie Wernimont-Donfut / BALAO
Productions et réalisations audiovisuelles - reportages photographiques - communication - infographie - multimédia




Hypertext links to other sites that this site. l'Union Maritime de Lorient has no control over the content of such websites and disclaims all responsibility if the contents violate the laws and regulations.

Intellectual property

In accordance with the laws governing the ownership of literary and artistic rights or similar rights, all items, brands, names, photographs, drawings, models, logos, graphics, color codes, etc.. found in this site are the exclusive property of such entities to BALAO or its partners or suppliers, it or they do not grant any license or right other than visit. Reproduction or use of any or all of these elements is only authorized for the purposes of providing information for personal and private use, any reproduction or use of copies for any other purpose is expressly prohibited. Any other use constitutes infringement and is punishable under the Intellectual Property, unless prior written permission of BALAO.